Nothing can be truly absolute real, as reality is only how we perceive it. Regardless of how
real your thoughts and memories feel, they can be fabricated. As we often ask ourselves the
question "Who am I?", we rely on our perception of ourselves to make sense of the "I". But,
does this "I" truly represent the reality of ourselves? More importantly, can there be a
sustained self without our environment to keep track of it?
As we were asking ourselves these questions we wondered how we could visually interpret
them. However, to answer them we needed to be able to visualise the self. Which we
expand upon in our research section. But to briefly summarise, theories from Freud, Lacan
and Anil Seth make up the main bulk of our understanding of the self. Furthermore, we
incorporated ideas of how space relates to the self and were inspired by Nietzsche's
understanding of the eternal recurrence.
In a world where we are ever more confused about our identity, an interpretation of the self is
often sought after. Having a stable perceived selfhood, we go through our day without
encountering a clash between what we believe is ourselves and what we really are. We
predict, justify and excuse, our behaviour to remain in this relative equilibrium. Thus, our
take on the self with this project was to take the perceived self out of its comfort zone and
immerse the participant into a world where the equilibrium is segmentally dissected.
With this project, we want to create an immersive abstract installation in which we can invite
the viewer to our interpretation of the self. In the following chapters, we expand on our
research, concept, experimentation, and design choices.
An immersive animation that explores the relationship between consciousness, space, and reality in 3 dimensions, the inner self, the learned self & the perceived self. The project aims to present an immersive experience that conceptualises the self as the process of becoming a self. By providing an experience in which viewers are immersed into a created environment, where space is altered to convey an experience of consciousness. Thus, this project transforms the intangible into the tangible.

Reality is subjective, and even our thoughts & memories can be fabricated. Our perception
of ourselves forms the basis of our identity, but can this truly represent our reality? Drawing
from various scientific & philosophical theories, this project seeks to integrate the self with
the virtual space, mirroring both realities. To blur the lines between the virtual & physical
realities, we transported material created & moulded by our own hands, into the virtual reality
using LiDAR-Scan technology.
Reality is subjective, and even our thoughts & memories can be fabricated. Our perception
of ourselves forms the basis of our identity, but can this truly represent our reality? Drawing
from various scientific & philosophical theories, this project seeks to integrate the self with
the virtual space, mirroring both realities. To blur the lines between the virtual & physical
realities, we transported material created & moulded by our own hands, into the virtual reality
using LiDAR-Scan technology.

The resulting experimental immersive media art installation was exhibited alongside different
material studies that were used to bring this project to life, inviting viewers to our
interpretation of the self. Unique characteristics of each dimension were illustrated, along
with how they interact to create a complete sense of the self. Enabling each participant to
partake in a deeper exploration of the self and its relation to the world around us.
The resulting experimental immersive media art installation was exhibited alongside different
material studies that were used to bring this project to life, inviting viewers to our
interpretation of the self. Unique characteristics of each dimension were illustrated, along
with how they interact to create a complete sense of the self. Enabling each participant to
partake in a deeper exploration of the self and its relation to the world around us.

Printed Documentary and BA Thesis

Making of and Exhibition